Before you can see the photos, you have to read some statistics about the trip.
Trip Statistics
Number of miles ridden: 7,991.9
Number of kilometers ridden: 12,861.7
Average number of miles ridden per day: 570.9 (not counting Saturday, when I didn't ride)
Number of states passed through: 22 (not counting the states that I just went through a tiny corner of: Maryland, West Virginia, Georgia, Wyoming)
Number of helmets worn: 2
Number of pairs of ear plugs used: 3
Number of times the phrases "leveraging resources," "action items," or "prioritization framework" were used: 0
Number of times checked voice mail at work: 12
Number of work-related voice mails received: 1
Number of voice mails received inquiring about my betting stategy for the Belmont Stakes: 3
Number of lottery tickets purchased: 11
Number of lottery jackpots won: 0
Number of dollars wagered in casinos: 5
Number of dollars won in casinos: 0
Number of postcards purchased: 12
Number of postcards sent: 10
Top speed: 130 mph (State Highway 624 near Cotulla, Texas)
Number of speeding tickets: 0 (although a very friendly cop stopped me in Idaho and told me to slow down)
Highest temperature encountered: 106°F (Mojave Desert, Needles, CA)
Lowest temperature encountered: 42°F (Crater Lake National Park, OR)
Number of minutes it took a completely soaked denim jacket to dry in the desert: 10
Number of days on the way out I wore my insulated riding suit: 0
Number of days on the way back I didn't wear my insulated riding suit: 0
Number of motorcycles ridden to get to the Pacific Ocean: 3 (mine, plus both of Rob's)
Number of days alone on the road before I began talking to myself in earnest: 10
Number of cookies consumed at Ernesto's Service Station in Marathon, Texas: 4
Number of deer hit: 0
Number of small, furry mammals hit: 0 (although I may have run over the tail of that squirrel near the Klickitat River in Washington)
Number of birds hit: 3
Number of bugs hit: 1,097,382,941 (yes, I counted)
OK, now you can see the photos.
Date Starting Mileage Ending Mileage Daily Mileage Spent the Night In
Saturday, June 1, 2002 0.0  457.4  457.4  Charlottesville, VA
Sunday, June 2, 2002 457.4  879.3  421.9  Asheville, NC
Monday, June 3, 2002 879.3  1620.4  741.1  New Orleans, LA
Tuesday, June 4, 2002 1620.4  2188.8  568.4  Beeville, TX
Wednesday, June 5, 2002 2188.8  2772.5  583.7  Van Horn, TX
Thursday, June 6, 2002 2772.5  3541.2  768.7  Kingman, AZ
Friday, June 7, 2002 3541.2  4164.7  623.5  Oakland, CA
Saturday, June 8, 2002 4164.7  4164.7  0.0  Oakland, CA
Sunday, June 9, 2002 4164.7  4164.7  90.5*  Oakland, CA
Monday, June 10, 2002 4164.7  4859.3  694.6  Lyle, WA
Tuesday, June 11, 2002 4859.3  5120.4  261.1  Clarkston, WA
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 5120.4  5806.4  686.0  Forsyth, MT
Thursday, June 13, 2002 5806.4  6527.7  721.3  Jackson, MN
Friday, June 14, 2002 6527.7  7485.2  957.5  Youngstown, OH
Saturday, June 15, 2002 7485.2  7901.4  416.2  New York, NY
Total:  7991.9   
Average:  570.9   
*Rode on Rob's motorcycles from my sister's house in Oakland to the Pacific Ocean